Better Cocoa For Better Lives - Nestle Cocoa Plan


The Nestle Cocoa Plan was established in 2009 in order to help improve the lives of the farmers in Nestle’s cocoa supply chain. KitKat is a proud member of the plan and as a result our products are all made with 100% sustainably sourced cocoa. Better chocolate means better lives for all, and to ensure this the plan focuses on three main areas – better farming, better lives and better cocoa.

Better Farming

The Nestle Cocoa Plan provides training and resources to help all its farmers improve their yields and quality, meaning they increase their income and improve their livelihoods while simultaneously tackling deforestation. Since the plan started, 124,000 farmers have access to better farming practices. Nestle has also distributed 16 million cocoa trees and 669,000 forest and fruit trees to support reforestation and cocoa growth.

Better Lives

We understand the importance of education in ensuring that communities thrive, which is why the plan focuses on giving women and children access to high quality education, reducing the risk of child labour whilst empowering women to work.

Since 2009, Nestle have built 53 schools in Cote D’Ivoire to support children’s education and their future.

Better Cocoa

By enhancing the supply chain’s traceability and building long-term relationships with farmer groups we can make the process sweeter for everyone, resulting in delicious chocolate the world loves.

Want to know more about the Nestle Cocoa Plan?

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